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Jane Adam

Jane Adam is a lifelong innovator, a quiet revolutionary who has carried out her pioneering work with intelligence and perseverance through four decades.


Her natural language is metal but she is unconstrained by its traditional rules. Apparent limitations are there to be tested, in a spirit of genuine enquiry, and then transcended. ‘I push my materials to their limits to explore their inherent qualities, such as how a metal tears or gains texture under stress, or the way a scratched line changes its physical character when it is stretched or compressed.’ Such free thinking allows unexpected outcomes to be appreciated and exploited for their intrinsic textural or visual beauty.


Jane Adam's jewellery is shown in leading galleries and exhibitions internationally, and can also be seen in many major museum and public collections, including those of the V&A Museum, Crafts Council, Goldsmiths’ Company, Royal Museum of Scotland, MIMA in Middlesbrough, the Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York and the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh.

jane adam textured stud earrings
Gold textured and shaped pendant necklace with pearl by jane adam
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